I admit that after I posted my blog last Friday about hosting a Hostess party, that I too made a trip to our local grocery store in hopes of picking up a few boxes of sweet treats from my childhood. However, I was not going to enjoy them myself. I called some friends and invited them to a Hostess Tea Party. The responses were of sheer joy and excitement.
So yesterday, a few friends dropped by for tea and we all had a great time drinking Christmas Star tea and eating Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, Mini Crullers, and Donettes. The Christmas Star tea paired very well with the Hostess treats, and so much so, that we had four teapots of that tea.
Now the question is whether or not Hostess will be around. Currently, both sides are meeting a with a mediator. We will just have to wait and see what the outcome is of the situation.
I hope some of you were able to Host a Hostess Tea Party. If you did, we would love for you to share your tea party story with us.
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