The samples are great but I think many people would not even realize you can buy ready to drink tea in the back of the store. Also, does the average non-tea drinker get turned off by the $250 water heater, $13 measuring spoons, and randomly placed $90 Buddhas?
That company is trying to bring good tea to the masses, but they're still holding on to their eclectic roots. The appeal is mainly to people who are already initiated into the tea world.
At Tozy Tea we're trying to do something different. We want people to experience great tasting tea--every day without changing your overall lifestyle. A $250 water heater is nice but not necessary. With a pre-measured sachet like ours you don't need the measuring spoon.
And even the most experienced tea drinker sometimes wants to make some tea swiftly and easily. In addition, if you're an experienced tea drinker have you ever wanted to give tea as a gift to someone who you think will like it but just finds it too hard? We want to solve that problem.
We're about making it easy. We'll help you get the temperature and time right. We'll also make sure you pick a flavor that you'll probably like. Those are the only secrets you really need to know. You can enjoy great tea without spending a fortune on the extras.
Let us know what you think. If you liked this post, please head over to our facebook page and hit "like." Also, feel free to check out our products at www.tozytea.com.
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