This morning, while I was enjoying my
breakfast with some of our Cherry Blossom tea, I pondered the
thought that some people may be unaware that they are hurting their
green tea. Shock! What? Hurting green tea? How is this possible?
As these thoughts and questions go racing through your head, trust
me, you can hurt your green tea. Green tea likes water temperatures
that are cooler than those for black teas. Essentially, boiling
water will ruin your green tea and you do not want to do that.
Personally, I believe this is one of
three reasons that people if they have had green tea, say that they
do not care for it. They will say it is bitter. So be sure your
water temperature is correct for the tea you are using. The second
reason is that people steep their tea way too long. The third
personal theory is that people may be using inferior tea. We use
gourmet teas and the flavors are phenomenal.
To make sure people can have the best
cup of tea possible, we at Tozy Tea have made the water temperature
and steeping times as easy as possible for the customer. All of the
water temperatures and steeping times are highlighted on the front of
each and every canister of tea.
So take a little extra time and be sure
you have the perfect water for your great gourmet tea.
Please note that the label above is not
for any of our green teas. It only shows where to find this
information on our labels.
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