If you have a neighbor who has just moved into your neighborhood, take them some,brewed tea, tea goodies, and introduce yourself. Tea is the perfect ice breaker. Make sure you also have a few tea cups with you, as you never know how much or how little they have unpacked.
Another idea, is to take brewed tea and goodies to someone who has recently suffered a death in the family. A great cup of tea mingled with a friend's listening ear can be quite comforting, especially after everyone has left and things have quieted down.
Let's not forget the friend or neighbor that lives alone and may not get out much. What a great idea to take some time out of your day and bring that person some brewed tea, conversation, and tea goodies. Maybe you even invite them over to your own home for some tea. It is nice knowing that people really do care.
Certainly, you can do this without taking tea. However, it can make the visit and time together so much more memorable. Not only will they have had a visitor, but also a wonderful warm treat of tea.
So be encouraged to take time out of your morning, afternoon, or evening and visit a friend while bringing along that special warmth and kindness in a cup.
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