Monday, August 6, 2012

Tozy Tea is Environmentally Friendly

We at Tozy Tea care about the environment. Even though we're a new company with a simple product line, we have taken a number of steps along the way to make sure our products are environmentally friendly. Here are a few features.

First, rather than using metal cans like many of our competitors, our canisters are made of 100% recycled paper. Our community has a paper recycling program and when we are finished with a can we put it in with the paper to be recycled. If your town has a paper recycling program you may be able to recycle the can as well.

And you won't end up with a cabinet full of fancy cans with pictures of magic dragons and happy rainbows (or happy dragons and magic rainbows for that matter!).

Second, our pyramid tea sachets are made of bio-degradable cornstarch. They will not be sitting forever in a landfill somewhere after you enjoy your tea.

Another feature that is not obvious is that it is possible to get two cups of tea out of a single tea bag. That conserves resources and saves you money. Don't hesitate to double dip.

Our gift bags are also made of 100% recycled paper.

If you have other ideas we can incorporate as the company grows, please let us know.

Thanks for reading. If you got here from Facebook and like this article, we'd greatly appreciate if you went back and hit the "like" button.


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